Uh-hum... Most of us figure this out as children.
The picture above was taken and submitted to DeviantART by 'skullberries' at http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=dumb+girl#/d2m8k3z I give her credit, no matter how simple the idea is- because it's HERS! If I were to like this idea so much that I would take a picture of the word dumb tattooed on my own lip, I would be COPYING !!! Then if I were to try selling it on the very same sites she advertises on I'd have just the biggest pair of testicles EVER!
I know who you are.
In fact, we ALL know who you are.
I know how you have blatantly made poor quality copies of work belonging to other miniature artists in the Spooky & Fantasy genre.
I know that you have decided to follow my and many other miniature art blogs recently.
I know that you dress yourself up as a witch.
I am a Witch, lady... and I am pissed off. I do NOT appreciate you following my blog or pretending to be an original artist.
You have been warned many times in a friendly manner to stop copying other people's work. You have responded with nastiness and distain. You have NO INTEGRITY !!!
Just remember, whatever you do to others will come back to you, whether you call it Karma, Threefold Rule, or the Golden Rule. I support my community of miniature artists and original handmade art. You have lost your place in this and are a tainted HACK.
-An article on how to approach someone who has stolen your art:
-Your full legal rights as an artist can be found in the BERNE CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS (Paris Text 1971)
-10 Big Myths about Copyrights:
I only personally follow blogs of original artists that I respect. Just because someone is following my blog, does not mean I support their work or want to be associated with them. As a collector and a creator myself, supporting the artistic community in all mediums is very important to me. I cannot stop someone from following my blog, stealing my pictures, or even physically copying my work. However, I can refuse to buy their work, follow their blog, and put the word out about them in my own artistic guilds and groups.
If you are visitng my blog as a shopper and collector, please consider the fine artists I have provided links for. Their work is a bit more expensive than mass produced items because they put so much time and thought into making them. Unique, One of a kind, Original
This actually means something.