Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gothic Rose Antiques and Haunted Dollhouses

This website featuring a variety of spooky antiques is just a treasure trove of ideas for anyone trying to decorate their miniature haunted house or castle!

I first came across a lovely add for Gothic Rose Antiques in "Gothic Beauty" magazine... I went to the site, which is lovingly maintained, and drooled over the candalabras, vintage books, Victorian furniture, and creepy little decour gems. There are owls in cages, quirky taxadermy examples, dracula manniquins, period funerary art and fashion, and just anything a dark little heart might desire... I was incredibly inspired to stuff tiny magical cabinents with potions, make steampunk magical books, and miniature candalabras dripping wax!

I've always loved spooky dollhouses, although I admit that I'm usually too chicken to get all the way through a Halloween fun house. I like the mystery and magic of anything ancient and hidden. A little haunted house should have loads of interesting items on the surface but also many secrets stuffed in drawers, closets, and under beds...

Here are a few of my spooky miniatures inspired by my many visits to Gothic Rose Antiques. First is the 1:12 scale "Haunted Victorian Mirror", perfect for any Halloween collection or Victorian Sceance scene. It is one of a kind, made from plastic, metal, miliput clay (an epoxy clay), and cardstock. All was painted flat black then dry brushed, inked, and matte sprayed. The next piece is a 1:12 scale spooky "Steampunk Grandfather Clock". Made from a basic wood kit with several alterations, including vintage clock gears, bats, handpainted webbing, and fiber texturing. I try to make my spooky line of miniatures look worn, ancient, magical, and textured.

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