Saturday, August 8, 2009

Miniature Dollhouse Chinese Apothecary Shop by Berkpanda!

After writing about Apothecaries here, I discovered a wonderful Chinese Apothecary Shop by Canta ie Berkpanda on Flickr! With her permission, I am posting links and description here... unfortunately the file format of her photos won't allow me to post them. She made this lovely scene using altered Bespaq furniture, both artisan and commercial dolls, and lovely accessories. It really is the most complete Apothecary scene in miniature I have yet to find! The labeling is fantastic, there is a wide variety of jar shapes filled with all sorts of powders and tinctures, and she made great use of actual dried herbs and roots. Describing her work, Canta wrote:

"My dad's family used to own an apothecary shop in China. I never saw it, but I have seen life-sized models of such places in museums and always wanted to do one in miniature. When I saw the Bespaq apothecary cabinet, I knew I had the key piece of furniture for my shop. I cut out names of herbs from pictures of Chinese medicine cabinets -- like the ones shown on your blog -- to label the drawers. Kiva Atkinson made some of the bottles of herbs, as well as the gensing roots on the counter. . I filled other bottles myself using herbs from my kitchen."

To view her work go to:
Thanks so much Canta for allowing us to see your collection!

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