Her Etsy Shop Link:
Her Dollhouse Listing:
Her Flickr for additional pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/50642478@N00/sets/72157613024332606/

"A project that was a complete joy to create - a Dia De Los Muertos Dollhouse. I started with a raw wood dollhouse frame, added handmade wallpaper in red and gold, decorative wood elements of scrolls, flowers and molding painted in black and gold. The roof was finished with hand-aged copper foil, sealed to protect the patina.The largest room features a gold, flowered and jeweled Dia De Los Muertos altar with Lady of Guadalupe statues, flowers, santos candles, brass candlesticks, cross, hand-painted sugar skulls and a crown. The walls are decorated with a family portrait, other portraits, pictures and paintings, brass milagros,stars, a jeweled cross, ornate mirror, and candles. The familia sits vigil over a jeweled coffin, with a velvet couch and table with candelabra.The familia was created out of wire armatures, polyclay and various bits and bobs of fabric, ribbon and jewels." She goes on to detail each room's contents

For the history of El Dia Del Muertos:

-Aztec Central http://www.azcentral.com/ent/dead/
-wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Dead
-In San Antonio, TX http://www.visitsanantonio.com/visitors/plan/featured-stories/dia-de-los-muertos/index.aspx
Ok I was notified that there was a problem with trying to leave comments. I adjusted comment options and hopefully took care of it! Thanx Dale!
LOL, I'm back for a second look at the house, it is so amazing!
Think she can make me one life size? lol, cause, I could live there!
Comments seem to be fully functional, Captain. ;)
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