The scale in this dollhouse room is so perfect and the details are so rich it took me awhile to realize that it was all in miniature! I had thought I was looking at an actual room! The papered panels on the wall, the shabby chic peeling white paint, the candles' soft golden glow, so perfect... The fading grace of this 'once glorious' home is reflected in the doll, a lovely aged dowager. Is she a ghost or the final living resident of the mansion? You decide.

Details that help the realism: peeling faded paper panels, a layer of 'dust', the mice holes chewed into the baseboards of the room, faded and distressed wood, a pale murky blue wall color, brown stains and 'water damage' in the corners. If I was to make something similiar, the dust would be the hardest part. Use chalk dust and matte spray it? Or wood dust? I'll have to experiment with a few different techniques.
Unfortunately, I saved this picture some time ago and I do not know who the artist is.
I did not originally know who made the room above and am very grateful to Debbie Wright for her help! She identified this as "the Miss Haversham Room Box" by miniature artist Vic Newey. To see more of his work go to http://www.vicnewey.co.uk/vicnewey_002.htm
Debbie actually owns a Street Scene made by Vic Newey to resemble Diagon Alley. To see Debbie's collection go to http://debbiestinytreasures.blogspot.com/