It's official now! I will be vending at Scarefest IV: a tribute to 80's Horror!!! Scarefest is a yearly horror and paranormal convention held in Lexington, Kentucky (around where me pappy was raised).
http://www.scarefestcon.com/ I'm so excited! Elvira will be there... OMG. When I was young, I wasn't looking to Brooke Shields or Christie Brinkly as my model of fashion perfection. I loved Cher and Elvira! Still do and they both look pretty damn good for their age.

Anyway, the convention had a very cool line up last year including the Ghost Adventures guys, Danny Trejo (you know, Machete? the hot Mexican with all the knives and tattoos?), actors from Terminator, Preditor, various hit tv paranormal shows, movie artists and costume designers, the huge guys that play the movie monsters like Jason...

This year there will be a costume ball, a zombie wedding, and so much more. We're turning it into the year's family vacation. I was contacted to vend after one of the directors saw some of my jewelry on Etsy. I probably will be focusing on fashion accessories and herbcrafts rather than on miniatures at this event but I'll take a few pieces, like my zombie cow. I've only vended much smaller local events in the past. This is a whole new ball game and just the challenge I needed. I finally got all my state and federal tax ID numbers and feel so O-fish-al... I've been looking at showing my work in some of the local galleries or even having a table at our First Friday art events here in San Antonio. I just feel really positive and like the sky is the limit for my whole artistic venture. I've been making things like crazy and have probably sniffed way too much glue haha! Bought 2 more shelving units to hold everything. The list of things to do is getting much longer hmmm. Below are just a few of the sponsers and guest stars at the convention. To see me and visit their websites go to the Scarefest Links: