So now its finally done! I've actually fully moved into my new studio space, a small bedroom on the second floor of my house, with a handy large walk in closet. It's at the front of the house so gets plenty of sunshine through 2 large windows. I painted it a deep forest green and just love it. I haven't fully finished decorating but I've already gotten to work on several miniature projects. It's so nice to be able to close the door and keep kitties from stealing my tidbits and supplies. It's also nice to have a room that is 'all mine'.
I previously was working in the loft style family room. This was fine until the holidays came and we definitely needed more space to entertain family and friends. As you can see below, I sort of took over the area! The family voted and I was given the unused guest bedroom which is now called 'the art room'.
It forced me to really sort through my supplies and junk. This led to a huge Goodwill donation. It also got my creative juices flowing again because I rediscovered supplies I forgot I even had. It's all in labeled bins and drawers now!
Here's the closet! Having this helped so much. I can't even remember what we had in there orginally- blankets, sweaters, old mittens.
What's nice too, is that I'm also able to display some of my collectibles again. I just didn't know where to put everything and most of my dolls had remained packed away since the move to our new house.
Above are some of my Living Dead Dolls, Spawn action figures, and Remax Spooky Town stuff.
Above are my 2 Wizard of Oz Tonner dolls and my Harvest Tree.

In the art room, I have 3 dollhouses that I'm currently working on: my spooky cedar renovations, my mom's Victorian renovation, and my Swiss Chalet renovation. I also have several dollhouse kits unopened in the closet. As houses are finished, they will be moved out of the room.
Fabulous room love how you've displayed your Dolls. Looking forward to seeing what creations come out of your new room.
As for the Orbs I have a picture of my eldest as a baby and he was pointing, the girl holding him had no idea what he was pointing at until the film was developed and there directly above his finger is a large perfectly round Orb, makes you wonder..x
I love what your are doing. Your are so lucky to have a space like that to make and create.
Orbs, I am a big fan, believe it or not when our first Rotti went over the rainbow we heard him running up and down the stairs several times.
Debie xxx
We've also heard our babies bark and smelled them. Rocky, the miniature pincher mix had a distinct doggie smell that our current pomeranians do not. Maybe its just our imagination. Ha! I'm one of those skeptical believers I guess.
But I've definitely loved having my own art space. Thanx for visiting my blog!
Just love your creative space! And the paint color on the walls is FAB!
I think the orbs are spirit visitors come to check out your new room! :0)
Thanx for sharing!
Hi , i just found your blog and i feel like a child in candy shop, lol ... so absorbing ! and yes, i am getting fotos with orbs too... especially when i was pregnant ant things was happening too... well , its real :)
Thanx for stopping by Nesca, Jean, and everyone else... at least I know I'm not muttering to myself ;)
Nope for sure not muttering to yourself:) I bet you feel so good knowing everything is organized and you have your very own space where you can leave stuff and no one complains or it's only in your own way and no one else's. Congrats on your new art room. I work in my basement and don't even wanna know what is down here orbs or otherwise:) NOPE! I'm good. Enjoy your new room, thanks for sharing.
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